featured below are books in the Shenanigans Series®.
NOW AVAILABLE – Foster and that Bad B.A.D.D. Bully
What do you do when a bully singles you out? Do you cower and fold up inside, walking every step of everyday in fear? Or do you take matters into your hands and find a way to hold your head up, fight back and regain your self respect? Does it help to talk to adults, let the situation be known or gather support from friends and family? Find out what Foster Blake does to save himself from that Bad, B.A.D.D Bully!
New Release Banner: This book is right on time! With all of the issues of violence that are ravaging our schools and communities, nationally, this is the perfect time for students to read this book, and be engaged. Written with juvenile readers in mind. With humor, this gently told story, which includes a moral foundation, discusses the serious issue of bullying.
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.
Foster & that Bad, B.A.D.D Bully inspired the upcoming film called “B.A.D.D.” check out the trailer here
From twirling, spinning, shaking and jerking…to family members with names like Buddycat, Moot, Bunk and Two-eyed… to pedaling, stretching and climbing to being chased by horses in a showdown, The Blake’s get more than they bargained for on this wacky vacation that’s truly unlike any they’ve ever had.
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.
Marie wants a new Jeannie doll, but her dad won’t give her the money. She has a plan to acquire the money, but she never dreamed that the plan would change her mind. Some things are more important than either money or dolls.
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.
Foster wants to be in the school play, and Marie wants to support him, but when misinformation is combined with good intentions, things go awry real fast.
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.
Marie wants to go to the circus so badly. Dad has said the answer is “no”. He has other plans, and they do not include going to the circus. But Marie is determined, and this time, Foster isn’t the only one she draws into her scheme. But…
What’s the worst that can happen?
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.
Is the fire just an accident? Is something sinister afoot? Who dun it?
Between Foster’s fantasies, Marie’s flair for melodrama and Cousin Jahari throwing in his share of exaggeration, will we ever find out?
When the smoke clears…
$12.00 purchase includes an autographed copy, shipping & handling.